It’s been a good week, on occasion almost bordering on SCORCIO! Highs in the mid to high 20s (high 70s to mid 80s F) – lovely. Too hot for some but just about right for me. Mind you, mowing the lawns in the blast furnace was a bit much – I would be happier watching someone else mow the lawns while I recline in the hammock with a modest-to-large Pimms in hand.
It’s been a busy week – we’ve been out to “drinks” twice and enjoyed a potluck supper with the lovely ladies who are members of the Moreton Pinkney Book Club. We also had Jessie for an overnighter along with all the excitement and energetic activities that always involves.
The first drinks party of the week was last Sunday afternoon – an event to celebrate one of our neighbours reaching the astonishing age of 70! Yep, a youngster. They have a lovely home on the edge of the village with splendid views over open fields to the south. The weather was glorious and we sat outside under the trees with more of our lovely neighbours. Just about able to waddle home at the end.
Then, on Wednesday, it was back to the same venue for the MP Book Club summer potluck supper. The women of the book club held their regular, monthly meeting to discuss their current book and then husbands and partners arrived for supper (and, surprisingly, more drinks). Again, the weather was marvellous and the potluck supper was excellent. Isn’t it interesting how, with little to no co-ordination, the meal ends up comprising an outstanding selection of main courses followed by an awe-inspiring choice of desserts. Not to mention the extensive cheese board. And wine.
On Thursday afternoon, again in the blisteringly-hot sunshine, some of the Ladies Who Croak came along to ours for their sometimes/weekly croquet session. The numerous rat and mole holes mean that our “croquet” lawn is perhaps not the finest surface in the world on which to play croquet but they seem to have managed well.
And then, on Thursday evening the whirlwind that is Jessie arrived for a sleepover! Always a delightfully energetic pleasure, always full-on. Thankfully, Grandma gets to do all the heavy lifting.
Thursday evening we all sat down to watch E.T. which was fun. Hard to think that Drew Barrymore was younger than Jessie when the film was made (but, I’ve no doubt Jessie could have played the part equally well).
Jessie had brought her rollerblades so on Friday morning we took ourselves off to the Boddington playground which has a marvellous selection of apparatus on which the kids can try to injure themselves. Jessie rollerbladed her way up and down and around the undulating bike track, arms flailing like a windmill but successfully navigating her way from here to there.
Friday evening we were out at some of our lovely neighbours for the occasional, once in a while, every so often, Not a Pub Night. Sadly, these lovely neighbours are leaving the village after twenty-plus years. They are off to the Lake District, an area they know and love. We shall miss their company but it gives us another reason to visit the beautiful Lake District – we’ve already made a provisional booking! We’ll give them a week or two to get settled.
The “big” news of the week is that our sash window-fitters have finished the job of replacing the windows at the front of the house and the panelling around the front door. Pleased to say that it looks excellent. The fitters were a very nice pair of “young” men and I have to admire their work ethic and the finished product – good on every score.
We watched Nyad the other evening – not a film which I would ordinarily have chosen to watch but one of our lovely neighbours recommended it. And, it is good – amazing perseverance and an astonishing achievement. And, the two leads – Annette Bening and Jodie Foster – were both excellent.
And finally, how about this lovely family enjoying the sunshine.
Meanwhile, keep happy, keep smiling, keep exercising, be good, be careful, and keep safe. And be gentle to wasps and bees.
Lots of love to you all,